Appointment with the Perinatologist

This is just a quick update about my appointment with the specialist on Monday. I am relieved and happy to share that there is low risk of placenta accreta! The placenta is higher up so it’s nowhere near the incision from my standard c-section with Archer, and it’s only partially covering the incision from my classical c-section from my delivery with Holdon. It’s technically an anterior placenta, but it’s leaning towards the side a bit so fortunately only a portion of it is covering the classical incision, and the part that is, is not growing into the scarring at this time and doesn’t look like it’s going to over the coming weeks. This is such a relief!! I knew deep down that I would be okay with whatever we found out as long as the delivery would be safe and baby girl would be safe, but now that I have this good news, I have to admit that I really was afraid for the worst and was dreading the prospect of losing my uterus. I knew that if there was any growth into the scarring and/or my uterus, they would not have taken any chances and a hysterectomy would have…Continue reading Appointment with the Perinatologist

35 Weeks!

It’s so hard to believe but I am 35 weeks pregnant today! I NEVER thought I would get this far and each day we progress with this pregnancy and get closer to finally meeting little man is such a miracle to me. We had our weekly appointment with Dr. S yesterday and all is just perfect with our little guy and he’s measuring close to 7lbs at 6lbs 14 oz. He’s such a big boy already! I’m starting to wonder if he’ll fit into any of the newborn clothes we have or if he’ll skip it all and go straight for the next size up! I decided it was probably a good idea to get my hospital bag ready just in case he decides to come early since he’s measuring so far ahead, and I’m having a bit of a dilemma. I don’t want to bring too much with me to the hospital, but thinking I need to bring different sizes of clothes for baby just in case. And I still can’t believe these are the things I’m worrying about these days. Two months ago, I still worried, Pre-e and HELLP would rear it’s ugly head again and I would…Continue reading 35 Weeks!

34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human

We had another doctor appointment with Dr. S yesterday, and all was perfect, and baby is still measuring over 2 weeks ahead at over 6lbs!!! I texted a good friend of mine after the appointment, and she replied with… “no wonder you’re starting to get so uncomfortable, you’re growing a super human!” I couldn’t stop laughing at that, but in all seriousness – holy crap! I still have 5 weeks to go until c-section day, and little (big) man is measuring just a few ounces less than my new baby niece was at birth! Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond thrilled that baby boy is measuring so well! It’s amazing! And Dr. S said, because I don’t have gestational diabetes and I haven’t gained too much weight, she isn’t concerned and the ultrasound measurements should be pretty accurate. Basically, I’m all baby 🙂 She also said with my history, having a big baby is fantastic. She couldn’t be happier with this outcome and neither can we. He could be delivered today and not have to spend any time in the NICU! Having said that, don’t get any ideas little guy! We want you to stay put for these last…Continue reading 34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human

32 Weeks!

Once again, I have let a couple weeks go by between updates. I feel like a horrible blogger lately. It’s just been such a crazy time with getting over the worst cold I’ve had in a very, very long time, family still visiting, trying to keep up with client work and finally making some real headway in the nursery. First and foremost, thank you everyone for your words of support and encouragement through my little freak out. I feel so silly for getting so worried. Even this far in pregnancy, I still worry. I’m coming to realize that that feeling of impending doom never fully goes away. As for my cold, I’m happy to say I’m finally feeling much better! Thank you everyone for your well wishes! I can honestly say that was one of the worst colds I’ve had in a long, long time. It didn’t help that it was the first cold I’ve had in about a year and a half so I was a big baby about it 🙂 Fortunately, my mom and mother in-law were both here to take care of me which was amazing. I’m so thankful to have two amazing moms who have been…Continue reading 32 Weeks!

Everything is Normal

I finally heard from my doctor just now and she said everything is fine. I have been napping on and off all day and kept waking up to check my phone and see if she had emailed me, so I was pretty worked up by the time she finally did. I foolishly was just waiting for her to email me without following up with her and she didn’t realize how worried I was. It wasn’t until I finally emailed her and told her I was worried that she got back to me. Anyway, she was very reassuring that all is good. Apparently, they look at a ratio of all the numbers and she said everything is in the normal range. Phew! Huge sigh of relief! I guess that will teach me to look at my lab results without my doctors interpretation! Now I just need to get over this horrible cold and I’ll hopefully start to feel more like myself again! I’m still not feeling so great today, but glad to know it’s just a cold and my doctor believes the nausea is from everything working it’s way through my system and will hopefully get better soon. Thankfully work isn’t…Continue reading Everything is Normal