This is just a quick update to let everyone know that after 2 years and 3 months, I have finally completed Archer’s birth story. I think better late than never applies here and yet, now that I’ve written it, I honestly don’t know what took me so long! I’m so happy I have finally written it so I never forget the details of that day. If you’re still interested in reading it after all this time, you can find it on the “Our Miracle Boy” page. Also, we had an appointment with my OB yesterday and everything looked good. Baby girl is doing great and still measuring several days ahead. It’s no big surprise since both the hubby and I are tall, but looks like baby girl is going to be tall like her brother. We also have the date set for our c-section delivery. It will be May 4th as we requested. The force will be strong with this one. 🙂 The only possible issue with this day, is my doctor is set to be on jury duty that entire week, but she was firm that she would make this day happen for us. So we’ll be having an…Continue reading OB Appointment