I had a bit of a scare the past week, but hopefully everything is okay! Since last Monday, I’ve been feeling some pressure/pain in my upper abdomen on and off. If you’ve read my page about my first pregnancy, you’ll know that pain in my upper abdomen was my first symptom that I was really sick and had HELLP Syndrome. I had never had heartburn before and mistook the symptom for heartburn for almost 2 weeks. It wasn’t until after my emergency c-section that the doctors told me that pain in the upper abdomen is a symptom of HELLP and a sign that my liver was shutting down. So, when I started to feel discomfort in my upper abdomen this week, I kind of started freaking out. My husband suggested we should go to emergency, but it eased and pretty much went away after I laid down. I decided to see how I felt the next day. If it persisted, I would call my doctor, but since it was gone when I woke up, I figured it was just another side effect of the lovely indigestion I’ve been experiencing lately. I felt reassured that it was an isolated incident and…Continue reading Worrying for Nothing?