28 Weeks!

This is just a super quick update. My SIL is visiting with her 2 kids and I’ve been so busy with them and staying on top of client work so don’t have time to write very much, but just wanted to write a quick update. Also, I have been so bad at commenting on all of your posts this past week too. Please know, I’m still reading them and thinking about all of you! Today, I’m 28 weeks 1 day and as of this past Thursday, I am the most pregnant I have ever been! We want little man to stay put until our c-section at 39 weeks, but what a relief it is to have made it this far and officially be in the third trimester 🙂 I was feeling a lot of emotion on Thursday, thinking about Holdon and thinking about all the events that led up to his emergency delivery and ultimately why he couldn’t survive, but I have also been feeling peace and hope for this new pregnancy and how different it is going this time. I know Holdon and my other angels are watching over us and I feel so incredibly blessed. Other good news…Continue reading 28 Weeks!

Jelly Bean is 7 Weeks 4 Days!

We had our second scan today and Jelly Bean is still doing great! He or she is still measuring a couple days ahead of schedule at 7 weeks 4 days and the little heart was beating away good and strong. Oh, and the mystery second sphere from last weeks’ scan was not visible at all today, so I’m now satisfied with the mirror image explanation from last week and we only have one sac and one baby which is just fine! With my history of HELLP Syndrome, it’s very dangerous for me to carry multiples so I’m actually very relieved. Dr K said everything looks really great. She even asked us if we wanted to move onto our regular OB from this point on. This was a natural pregnancy so I know some of the staff at Dr. K’s office are probably wondering what I’m doing there since she’s an RE and is really hard to book time with, but she was the first specialist I saw for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and I just feel like I still need a little extra hand holding right now, so we decided to go back to Dr. K for one more scan in…Continue reading Jelly Bean is 7 Weeks 4 Days!

I Would Die For That

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqfGqOx2iDQ&w=420&h=315] Watch it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqfGqOx2iDQ By Kellie Coffey © Duet Inc. All Rights Reserved I’m feeling especially emotional tonight. There’s been a recurring theme in the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss circle of the blogging world lately. Some of you have been writing about whether you think you’ll be a good mom and the more time that goes by in the trying process and with all the losses, some of you are giving it more and more thought. I wish I could say I wasn’t one of you, but of course the thought has crossed my mind too. In the darkest recesses of my mind, I have asked if there is a reason why none of my pregnancies have worked out. Maybe I’m not meant to be a mother, or worse, maybe I shouldn’t be, but somehow my hope and faith always prevails. Then today I read a very touching post by A Calm Persistence, where she writes I just won’t go there… She talks about how with each of her subsequent pregnancies after her first loss, she protected herself and didn’t allow herself to fully hope, but if she becomes pregnant again, she plans to honor her baby by allowing herself to hope…Continue reading I Would Die For That