This is just a super quick update. My SIL is visiting with her 2 kids and I’ve been so busy with them and staying on top of client work so don’t have time to write very much, but just wanted to write a quick update. Also, I have been so bad at commenting on all of your posts this past week too. Please know, I’m still reading them and thinking about all of you! Today, I’m 28 weeks 1 day and as of this past Thursday, I am the most pregnant I have ever been! We want little man to stay put until our c-section at 39 weeks, but what a relief it is to have made it this far and officially be in the third trimester 🙂 I was feeling a lot of emotion on Thursday, thinking about Holdon and thinking about all the events that led up to his emergency delivery and ultimately why he couldn’t survive, but I have also been feeling peace and hope for this new pregnancy and how different it is going this time. I know Holdon and my other angels are watching over us and I feel so incredibly blessed. Other good news…Continue reading 28 Weeks!