15 Weeks 3 Days

First of all, thank you everyone for all your kind words and support over my last post. I was really in a funk about the anniversary of Holdon’s death coming up on July 20th and feeling kind of down, but I’m doing so much better today. I’m sure this Sunday is still going to be pretty hard, but I’m feeling much better about the day now then I was last weekend.   Okay, now for a quick update on today’s doctor appointment. Feel free to sign off here if pregnancy updates are too hard to read right now.   ***Pregnancy Update Below***   We had our regular followup appointment with Dr. S. today and it went really well! After a brief conversation about how we’re doing, she got down to business and did an ultrasound and all is good with baby 🙂 I was so relieved! I had managed to work myself up into quite a ball of worry again, and felt the tension leave my body as soon as our little guy came up on the screen. He is so big and really active! Dr. S asked me if I was feeling any movement yet because he was really moving…Continue reading 15 Weeks 3 Days