IVF and PGD Part 2 – The Eve of Our Second Egg Retrieval


It’s 11: 30 pm on the eve of our second retrieval, and I can’t sleep so I decided to get up and make myself a cup steamed almond milk before my “no food or drink after midnight” cutoff. The same thing happened to me last time. I went to be early in hopes of getting a good night’s sleep before the procedure, but tossed and turned for hours. I understand why it was so hard last time. I had not done this before so I was worried and nervous about the procedure, and I was really worried about the outcome. However, this time I know what to expect so I really thought I would be able to rest easier tonight, but as it gets later and later, and I get closer to my 4:45 am wake up time, I’m even more and more worried. I guess it’s because if all goes well tomorrow, we’ll finally be moving forward with the PGD and that has me even more scared. Sigh… Will I ever rest easy again? Who knows… I guess for now I just have to be thankful that we’ve made it this far and wait and see what happens.

So for now, I’m going to drink my almond milk and cuddle with my kitty (who’s thrilled I’m awake right now) and try to calm down so I can go back to bed. My other kitty and my hubby are both fast asleep (of course). I’ll write more tomorrow after the procedure. Saying lots of prayers for everyone who’s waiting on news this week. You are all my inspiration that I too can get past my anxieties over the retrieval and upcoming results. ❤️


6 thoughts on “IVF and PGD Part 2 – The Eve of Our Second Egg Retrieval

  1. Awe I just love my cat to pieces so I adore it when people talk about their furballs–yours is adorable. Hooray for moving on to PGD! Fingers, toes, everything crossed. XO

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