myhopejar is moving

This is not the long overdue update I should be posting. Instead it’s just a quick update to let anyone who is still reading this blog that is moving from to so I can manage and host the blog myself.

Why am I making this change? Well there are many of reasons. However, the most practical reason is money. I just purchased a new hosting plan for my company site and have shut it down and am now in the process of rebuilding/redesigning my company site. One of the perks/incentives for moving hosting companies for my company site is I can host as many sites as I want and my new hosting company advertises themselves as the best hosting company for wordpress sites. So it just makes sense to move too. I can save myself the fee I pay to every year and have full control of my site if I move it to and host it myself. The other reason, is this move is forcing me to stop avoiding my blog because I’m so embarrassed I haven’t written in so long and finally write something! The timing is also perfect because it’s my 3 year blogiversary and my plan with is up for renewal so now is the right time to make the move instead of paying for another year with

So what does all this mean for

Currently, the domain is in the process of propagating over to my new hosting account. It should be done in the next few days and when that happens the site will likely be down for short time while I reload the site back up to the new server. This is the main reason for this post. I didn’t want people to think I had closed my blog. It will only be down for a short time. I promise!

Once I’m done with that process, you’ll see the site back up and running but it will likely be bare bones with only the content while I decide on a new theme and work on the new look for I just think it’s time for a fresh new look and this is the perfect opportunity to make it happen. This is a new year in blogging for and it’s ready for an upgrade. The content and the overall message I want to convey with this blog will remain the same. This will still be a Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Infertility blog, just the focus will change a bit. I’m still trying to figure out how I fit into this world now that I have my miracle toddler, but I can honestly say that I’m not all that different than I was before I had him. There are still triggers out there that hit me out of nowhere and I feel all those emotions come surging back at the strangest of moments.

I have an entire post that I’ve written in my head about the fertile in my miracle toddler’s swim class who has a 10 month old in the class and is 5 months pregnant with another baby already. It was all I could do to not take Archer out of the pool and leave when I heard that. It still stings to hear people say things like that and to make it worse she complained the entire class. I will write more about this and some of the other things happening to me that may have been the cause of my strong reaction to this woman that day in my next post which I’ll write about as soon as my blog is up and running smoothly on the new hosting server.

I also still have a post I need to write called Fear After Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Taking Home your Rainbow. This post is sitting in my drafts and I must finish it. Fear is still something I struggle with on a regular basis. I’m working on it, but it’s hard.

I will also write an update about our miracle toddler soon. He’s 18 months old! Where on earth did the time go?!

So for now, please bare with me while I move the site and get it back up and running and then stay tuned for much more writing to come as starts it’s fourth year!

5 thoughts on “myhopejar is moving

  1. Hi! I’m so glad to see an update from you! Remember me? I had Owen around the same time you had your sweet boy. Hard to believe they are 18 months old! Looking forward to reading new updates from you. 🙂


    1. Hi! Yes, of course I remember you!! So good to hear from you! How are you? How’s Owen? It really is unreal how big our boys are! Feels like just yesterday we were sharing our pregnancy journeys on our blogs and anxiously awaiting their arrivals! Hope you are well! I’m sorry I’ve been such a bad blogger lately. I am definitely going to do better from now on!

    1. hey! I’ve been so busy and just getting back to this now! I’ll keep you posted on how the move goes. So far it’s been bumpy! I’m still working on the front end theme design and stuff but the blog is moved! Unfortunately, I don’t think any of you guys over at can see my posts in the Reader anymore and I can’t figure out why. There’s a plugin called Jetpack that’s supposed to make it so all your former followers who don’t follow via email but rather directly from wordpress can still see your posts in their reader, but I don’t think it’s working. When you have a sec do you mind looking for me? I made a post on July 20th about Holdon and so far I’ve only had comments from people who saw it on Facebook, and nothing from my wordpress friends. 🙁

      p.s., you’ll have to send me a link when your personal site is up and running!

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