Long Overdue Update

I apologize to all of you who have been asking how I’m doing and not writing this update sooner! I have been wanting to sit down and write this update for over a week, but between work, and everything else going on right now, I just haven’t had the energy to stay on the computer long enough to write an update and I hate writing updates from my phone. Below are a few highlights from past few weeks. Sorry in advance for how long this post is!

Today’s Appointment With Our OB

We had another appointment with Dr. S today. Everything is great. We had another ultrasound and baby is still measuring about a week ahead and now weighs about 1lb 10oz. This weight is a big milestone for us because Holdon only weighed 1lb 8oz when he was born at nearly 28 weeks and I’m only 23W4D today, so the fact that we have now surpassed that weight and so soon is huge!

The rest of the appointment was pretty basic with just going over questions and concerns. The main thing we discussed was the strange abdominal pain I had a few weeks ago. It’s still there, but not as bad and seems to have changed from heartburn-like pain to muscle pain. Dr. S said it’s not unusual for the muscles to do this, especially as we get bigger and I’m getting pretty big now so that makes sense. My BP was really good at 111/73 today, so the risk of Preeclampsia/HELLP is still really low at this point which is a huge relief. All in all, this is just normal pregnancy stuff and not any indication that I’m having a re-occurrence at this time. Phew! That’s a huge relief!

We also discussed my digestive issues which thankfully are much better now. Up until about two weeks ago, I was so constipated I was only going once a week and it was really difficult to go when I did. This is probably why my heartburn was so bad a few weeks ago too. Dr. S had suggested I take Colace to get things going and it really did help, then once I was (ahem) cleared out and feeling better, I started taking children’s fiber gummies every day and I’m so much better now! I haven’t had to take the Colace again and I’m now able to go every other day. I know every day is ideal, but compared to before, this is heaven! 🙂 I highly recommend the children’s fiber gummies if you you’re having any issues with constipation.They really help!

These are the ones I bought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009VGEHFS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The last thing we discussed was scheduling my c-section. Based on today’s measurements, my due date is estimated around Dec 29th now, but she said they still go by my LMP which has a due date of Jan 6th. It seems a little strange that they would do that when he’s been consistently ahead from the start, but what do I know? So… she said if everything continues to go smoothly (knocking on wood and saying so many prayers!), then we’ll schedule the c-section for 39 weeks, taking me to about NYE. She’s just going to discuss it with the Perinatologist to confirm, but she said one week before my LMP due date is standard protocol. So we should be ready to book the big day at my next appointment in 3 weeks. As cool as a NYE baby would be, I’m going to push for a few days before because I’ve already reached my insurance deductible maximum and almost my full out of pocket maximum for 2014, so our delivery will practically be free if we deliver in 2014 and thankfully baby is covered through me for the first 30 days. So just in case I or baby need to stay in the hospital for a few extra days, I want to give us a buffer to make sure we’re both out of the hospital before 2015. I’m also a little uncertain about going to 39 weeks because they told me I shouldn’t even go into labor because my internal incision from my previous c-section could tear, but we’ll discuss it further at our next appointment before we set the official date.

Just thinking about the date feels so surreal to me. The fact that everthing is going so well makes me so happy but also kind of nervous that something will still go wrong because it’s me and historically something has always gone wrong, but on the other hand, there’s no reason for it not to all continue to go just perfectly this time. So I’m choosing to focus on that and I’m remaining so hopeful 🙂

Getting Started on the Nursery!

This is a huge step for me because I was really nervous to get going on it. After we lost Holdon, we were stuck with a nursery and no baby. We thought he would come home from the NICU so we went ahead and got the room ready for him, but when he didn’t come home, I couldn’t bring myself to take everything down so the furniture sat untouched in our old place in hopes of a future baby using it. But then we continued to have loss after loss and the room sat untouched for over 2 years. Finally, when we moved into our house in December of 2012, we disassembled everything and decided to put all the nursery furniture in the attic until we would actually have need for it. So naturally we’re a little nervous to set up the nursery now. A small nagging part of me worries that we’ll set it all up again, and something will go wrong and we’ll be stuck with another empty nursery. But like I said above, we’re choosing to remain hopeful and not live in fear anymore, so last week we took the plunge and got started.

The first step in this process was to move my office furniture and files out of there. When we first moved in here, we always intended for our third bedroom to be the nursery, but since we didn’t know when and if we would have need for a nursery again, we made the third bedroom my office. The second room is a guest room and we really want to keep it that way, especially since both my Mom and my MIL are planning to come out before and after the baby is born. So we decided to move the office stuff to our room. At some point down the road, we plan to either expand on our little, old house and create a den space off of our dining area or possibly move to a bigger house (not an easy thing to with the housing marking being so expensive and limited in the South Bay), but for now our bedroom will work just fine because it’s a very large room. The people who renovated our house before selling it to us actually expanded on the house to make the Master bedroom bigger and add a second bathroom. The second bathroom is definitely useful, but the room did not really need to be this big. Even with our Cal King bed, all our furniture, and giant kitty condo/tree there was still a lot of empty space in the room, so we are now very pleased with our half master bedroom, half office setup. We divided the two by a divider shelf and now the space is being utilized in a much better way.

Here are some pics. I forgot to take before shots which I’m kicking myself for now, but at least I can share how it looks now 🙂


Anyway, back to the nursery.

We’re now ready to start painting! We actually really like the current color of the walls. It’s a dark beige color, but have decided to split the wall with half blue on the top and the beige on the bottom that will be separated by a border that matches the bedding we have. I will also be painting a tree on the one wall that doesn’t having any tape. I decided to paint the tree instead of using wall decals because I got inspiration from Pinterest to create shelves off the branches and will be painting the shelves the same color as the tree. I’ll be sure to post pics of all of this after we’re done so you can see what I mean 🙂

Here’s a pic of the room so far. It’s very cluttered right now because we pushed the furniture that will be remaining in the room into the middle of the room for now in order to start painting. My easel will come out later but is still in there because I’m working on a few paintings for the room and I prefer to paint for the baby in the baby room 🙂


Getting My Registries Done and Shower Invites Are Out!

I now have two registries set up. One at Babies R Us and one at Amazon.com. I found Amazon great for special stuff like Chicago Bears onsies that are a must have for my husband and other specific items that I couldn’t find at Babies R Us. Also, some of the items are a lot cheaper on there.

Once my registries were set up, my lovely and amazing shower hostesses sent out the invite over E-vite and Facebook. So it’s official. I now have my shower date set for October 18th and in just one day since the invite went out, we already have 17 confirmed guests! I’m a little sad that more of our family members and my close friends from back home in Canada won’t be able to make it, but with us being here in LA, and all of our family and childhood friends being in Canada for me and all over the US and India for my hubby, it’s just not possible to have them all here for the shower. We are very lucky to have a lot of good friends here though that have really become more like family to us and at least my Mom and SIL and MIL will be able to fly out so all in all, I’m pretty happy with the turn out we’ll get.

Major Baby Movement!

I’ve been feeling movement now since about 16 weeks, but the past two weeks have been especially significant because not only is my hubby now able to feel the movements too, we can actually see my belly move when little man gives me a good kick! It is the most amazing thing ever! The kicks are getting so strong now, I actually laugh out loud sometimes because they take me by surprise 🙂 I honestly don’t remember feeling movement like this with Holdon, and praying it’s another good sign that this pregnancy is different and all is good this time.

That’s about it for today. We’re still working on coming up with a name for this little guy, but my husband vetoed my favorite name so we’re still debating. Once we do agree on a name though, we have decided to keep it to ourselves until baby is born, but I will share that we are in complete agreement that Holdon will be his middle name.

I’ll post some updated belly pics and my 24 week progress report on the weekend. Although, I’ve been out of touch with my own blog for the past couple weeks, I have been keeping up with all of you and just wanted to send you all so many positive thoughts and prayers. There has been a lot of wonderful news lately that makes me so very happy for each and every one of you, but there has also been a lot of sad news. My heart goes out to those of you who have had another BFN, failed cycle, miscarriage or bad news at an ultrasound appointment. I know your pain and wish so badly that you did not have to go through any of this anymore. It’s all so unfair. Sending you all love and light and so many prayers. <3




33 thoughts on “Long Overdue Update

  1. So glad to hear all is well! Yay for nursery updates! We’ll be having baby showers the same day! That’s when we’ll be making our trip to Illinois for my family’s baby shower.

  2. I am so happy to hear all is well!! And, of course, to hear all the details about the growing baby, the nursery, the c-section date (i.e. little man’s birthday!), the baby registry and the baby shower! I take all these things as excellent progress, and a sign of you embracing the excitement that this little guy is bringing to your life. 🙂
    I am just so happy for you and am wishing you the absolute best in the coming weeks!

    1. Thank you so much hon! It’s hard because I still have so many worries, but it’s getting easier to push them aside and be excited too. It really helps seeing and feeling how big he’s getting. I wishing all the best for you in the coming weeks (and months) too!

  3. I am so happy to read this update! I know it’s so hard to stay positive when we are so used to the negative but just take it one day at a time and enjoy:) Reading your updates gives me hope too for us RPL’ers! Sending good thoughts and prayers all continues to go well!

    1. Thank you sweetie. I felt the same way when I was reading positive stories after many losses too. Sending you lots of thoughts and prayers as well. I believe in my heart that your miracle baby is coming soon too.

  4. So happy that everything is moving right along and that you and your little one will be celebrated 🙂 Hoping that you and little one continue to progress smoothly and without incident. Many hugs to you J!

  5. Awesome, Awesome update! Love that your bedroom was big enough to split and make an office too. I’m excited that you are getting started on your nursery. Yours looks about like ours right now too! I love the idea of the tree and look forward to seeing it all done. Super excited for you, my friend!!! How great that your shower is set up already. Mine is November 9th!! Also, wanted to say that giving this little guy Holdon’s name is super special. I love that you are doing that. Xxo

    1. Aw thanks hon! Your shower will be here before you know it too. The only reason ours is so early is because it was the best time for my Mom and MIL and SIL to all come out here at the same time. I’m so excited for you too and can’t wait to see your final nursery as well! <3

    1. I found out by accident when was looking for something for the nursery. When I added it to my cart a window came up asking me if I wanted to create a registry. It made me so happy. I love amazon 🙂 Thank you so much for your support hon. I’m looking forward to more updates from you too! I have been saying so many prayers for you and your little embaby.

  6. This is such a great update! I am worries about my blood pressure. I read blogs of women pleased with their blood pressure being around 110 and mine is always, always high. As in anywhere between 140/90 to 160/100. Yikes! I need this lowered before I get pregnant!

    1. Yikes hon, that is high. Try not to worry too much though. I’m sure your doctor will put you on blood pressure medication when you become pregnant to keep it under control. I know there are some that are safe for pregnancy. I’ve been thinking about you lots and sending so many prayers for you and this cycle. <3

      1. three years ago they had me on some medicine that would be safe for pregnancy but it didn’t even make it go down a little bit. So I quit taking it (with their permission of course). I think I will focus on diet and exercise to see if that helps.

  7. It is so good to read things are continuing to go well for you. It is such an inspiration and a comfort to read of something going right for such a kind, strong woman (and your hubby too of course). Looking forward to seeing the finished nursery product.

    1. Oh hon, I just read your latest post. I cannot even say in the right words how heartbroken I am for you. And I can’t believe what an amazing person you are for your caring comments and support to me right now. It truly means so much to me, and I just wanted to let you know I am always here for you too. Sending you the biggest hug ever!

  8. Jo, keep this thought going “Let my Faith be greater then my fears.” This is what you posted at the beginning of this journey and I know the Lord is listening. Hugs……

  9. Wonderful updates for you. So glad things are progressing just as they should. I know how much the digestive issues suck! When I was on bedrest I developed really bad constipation. My doctor recommended drinking a glass of pear juice every day. Worked like a charm!

  10. this is great news! You are progressing well! It is a relief to think that HELLP is under the radder. As a surviver, I think about this all the time. Seeing you progressing well is a window of hope for me, if I go down on this pass again. Thanks! So do show us the nursery after you finish your work in there. 🙂

    1. I was really scared to try again after we lost Holdon to HELLP, and then we had all those early losses after him and I got pretty sidetracked, but the fear of re-occurence has always been there too. What keeps me going is all my doctors keep saying they think it was a problem with the placenta and don’t think I’ll get it again. It would be so much easier if they could say with certainty, but I can say that I know what to look for more now, and my doctors are watching me like a hawk, so hopefully it will be okay this time around no matter what. I’m not going to lie, the closer we get to that 27 1/2 week mark of when we delivered Holdon, I’m getting more and more scared. I think every day we get past that, will be a small victory. The fact that this baby has already surpassed Holdon’s birth weight is huge too.

      You’ll know if and when you’re ready to try again. It’s not an easy decision either way, but what I can say through my own journey so far is that it is possible to have it with your first pregnancy and not again. I think about you lots hon and I’m sending you lots of prayers as you continue to heal and grieve for Kevin and begin to look to the future too. Big hug <3

  11. I stumbled upon your blog through a blogger who follows me & I have my fingers crossed so hard for you! I’m in my second pregnancy at 24W3D…I had PPROM in my first pregnancy and lost her 5 days after birth.

    I wanted to chime in on the constipation. I’ve been having it TERRIBLY like I almost went to the hospital to get it all out of me a couple weeks ago. I have done Colace but found it to just be “OK”….I started taking liquid Magnesium & it works SO well. Close enough to having normal bowl movements & worked the first morning after I took my first dose at night. I’m also on Progesterone supplements so it makes constipation even worse than just being pregnant does.

    1. I’m 24 Weeks, 2 Days today! How exciting that our dates are so close! I’m so very sorry to hear of your first pregnancy and the loss of your daughter. Sending you lots of prayers this pregnancy continues to progress perfectly, and that we’re both holding out little ones come the New Year. As for the constipation, yikes! I thought I had it bad! So glad the liquid magnesium is helping!

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