Worrying for Nothing?

I had a bit of a scare the past week, but hopefully everything is okay!

Since last Monday, I’ve been feeling some pressure/pain in my upper abdomen on and off. If you’ve read my page about my first pregnancy, you’ll know that pain in my upper abdomen was my first symptom that I was really sick and had HELLP Syndrome. I had never had heartburn before and mistook the symptom for heartburn for almost 2 weeks. It wasn’t until after my emergency c-section that the doctors told me that pain in the upper abdomen is a symptom of HELLP and a sign that my liver was shutting down. So, when I started to feel discomfort in my upper abdomen this week, I kind of started freaking out.

My husband suggested we should go to emergency, but it eased and pretty much went away after I laid down. I decided to see how I felt the next day. If it persisted, I would call my doctor, but since it was gone when I woke up, I figured it was just another side effect of the lovely indigestion I’ve been experiencing lately. I felt reassured that it was an isolated incident and relaxed the rest of that day, but then it returned that evening. Again I told myself I would call my doctor if it was still there in the morning, but it was gone again the next day. This went on for a few days. I felt fine during the day, but then the pain would return in the evening. I was still worried, but really did believe it was heartburn this time. I know it sounds ridiculous that I don’t know what heartburn feels like, but I seriously have never had it before. What I do know is the abdominal pain associated with HELLP feels different. When I had HELLP, the abdominal pain came on suddenly and it did not go away. It was constant and very painful and it was so bad I couldn’t do anything. I got no comfort from taking any antacids or anti nausea medication and laying down, standing, sitting, walking or exercising did not help either. This time, it feels uncomfortable, but it’s not debilitating and it doesn’t last. It feels better when I lay on my side and it goes away completely during the day when I’m active. It’s also combined with some reflux and a lot of burping (sorry TMI), and taking tums has helped ease the discomfort. So all these symptoms really do point to being heartburn and not anything more serious. That’s the rational part of me talking. The not so rational part of me has been freaking out every night when the pain returns and waking up from nightmares in the middle of the night from memories of my first pregnancy. Sleep has already been an issue lately, but the past few days have been horrible. Last night I got up and watched TV in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep and needed to distract my mind. My husband and I talked about it this morning and he told me he was really worried too so we decided it was better to call the doctor and make sure. Better safe then sorry.

Dr. S was out of the office today, but the nurse reassured me that it was good that I called and was able to get me in with another doctor at her office, Dr. B, for earlier this afternoon. The nurse was amazing, not only did she fit me in last minute, but also told me if I was worried in the middle of the night again or at any time, to go to labor and delivery and I will be seen right away and not have to wait. Dr. B was really amazing too. She really helped ease my mind. She went over my vitals and reassured me that all looked perfect. I haven’t had any swelling at all, my blood pressure is perfect, my urine sample was negative for protein and I haven’t had any unusual weight gain. We then did an ultrasound and little man looked amazing. When I had HELLP syndrome, the first real indication of how serious things were was with how Holdon measured. He hadn’t grown since my previous appointment the month before and his heart rate was low. Today, baby boy was still measuring several days ahead and his heart rate is 160. Not only is he still ahead of schedule, he’s now measuring almost a full week ahead and he weighs almost a full pound! The average weight for 21 weeks is around 11 oz. Our little guy weighed 15 oz today at 21 weeks 2 days! I also have plenty of amniotic fluid and the placenta looks perfect.

So from all of this, she indicated everything looks good and I’m at very low risk for having preeclampsia or HELLP at this time. She also used the ultrasound to scan my gall bladder to rule out stones and it looked good too. She said that it’s very common to feel esophageal discomfort after 20 weeks because the uterus moves up high enough at that point to cause all the organs to move up too and it’s likely that because I have a bigger baby in there, that I’ll feel more discomfort. All in all, upper abdominal pain is pretty common at this point. It’s no wonder I was so confused with my first pregnancy, but thankfully everything looks completely different this time. Finally, to be extra cautious, she also sent me for blood work to check my liver enzymes, blood count and platelets, heart, pancreas and appendix. I don’t know if it’s because of my history or just the way all the doctors are at this clinic, but I honestly feel like they are a Godsend right now. Bless her and all the staff at Dr. S’s office for being so thorough!

I should get all the lab results in the next day or so, but I have to say, seeing our little man looking so good today really helped ease my concerns. With my history, I know this will not be the only time I worry about getting HELLP, but hopefully it will all just be normal pregnancy related issues. I’ve been pretty worried for a while now, but this was my first real scare. Hopefully it will be my last!

For more information about HELLP Syndrome and Preeclampsia, visit the Preecalmplsia Foundation Website: www.preeclampsia.org




61 thoughts on “Worrying for Nothing?

    1. Thanks hon. I really wish I knew more with my first pregnancy too. With so many changes happening to our bodies with pregnancy, it’s impossible to know what’s normal and what’s not. I really feel like all the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia and HELLP should be provided as part of a prenatal info packet that is given to all pregnant women at the start of their pregnancy. Hugs sweetie <3

  1. How scary! I’m glad that the doctor and nurse were helpful and that your baby and you are healthy! I’m sure it will be nice to get good test results back too. Be kind to yourself! <3

    1. Thanks hon! I just got an email with a bunch of my lab results. I’ll have to wait for the doctor to review them and confirm, but it looks like everything that came in so far is in the normal range. So relieved!

  2. So terrifying! Girlfriend you get yourself checked any time you’re feeling even a little bit off and never think you are over reacting. Yours and bubs safety is absolutely critical and you have every right to be concerned. Huge hugs, so glad everything is ok xx

    1. Thanks hon <3 I will. The nurse said the same thing! I will not hesitate to see my doctor right away if this persists or if anything else happens. With my history, there really is no such thing as overly cautions.

      I'm so happy you are full term and about to meet your little nacho!

    1. Thanks hon! We’re still deciding, but I’m kind of superstitious about this so even if we make a decision beforehand, I don’t think we will be revealing anything until our little guy is here. I was thinking we need to come up with a good nickname though. We can’t keep calling him baby boy 🙂

    1. I’m so relieved too! We need to still be extra cautious because HELLP can come on suddenly so we won’t be out of the woods until a week or two after baby is born, but thankfully we’re good so far. Praying all is going perfectly with your little guy too!

    1. Thanks hon. It’s so easy to brush things off in pregnancy as just being a weird but normal pregnancy issue, but sometimes it’s not normal. It’s better to go in and get checked when you’re not sure. Better safe then sorry! Thinking about you and hope you’re feeling good and that you don’t have any scares like this!

      1. I hear you 100%! Better safe than sorry. I have been extremely lucky to have a pretty easy pregnancy so far. I know others have experienced so many more things and I am grateful that this baby girl is making things easy so far! 🙂

        1. I’m so glad your pregnancy has been going well and your girl is making things easy for you! Praying it all continues to be smooth sailing for you!

  3. Good gracious, this post scared me… but then made me feel better. I have such a strong sense that your little boy is going to be okay that I was thrown for a loop when I read the first part. Phew! I am glad my spidey sense is not broken after all!

    I have never had heartburn except in pregnancy either and what you describe here is what I remember it feeling like for me, too. I once mistook the start of a severe allergic reaction (mild anaphylaxis) for heartburn because I had no idea what it felt like. From an evolutionary perspective, this self misdiagnosis stuff seems really foolish! I’m so glad you went for help and got great care.

    1. I’m glad your spidey sense is not broken too! 🙂 As much as I knew this felt different from last time, I was so scared too. I’m so glad it really is just heartburn this time. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who has no idea what heartburn feels like! How scary that you mistook an allergic reaction for it! You’re absolute right, self diagnosis especially when it comes to chest/abdominal pain is really never a good idea!

    1. Thanks hon and thank you for saying that. I actually hesitated posting about this because I didn’t want to worry all of you, but I wanted to make sure all you other pregnant ladies are aware of the warning signs of HELLP and preeclampisa so you hopefully won’t go through the same thing. The nurse said it perfectly yesterday. When I came out from seeing the doctor, she asked me how I was doing, and I told her it looks like it’s just normal pregnancy issues this time around, and she responded with, “there’s nothing normal about what happens to our bodies during pregnancy”. It really got me thinking that we really shouldn’t hesitate to call if anything feels off no matter how small it seems.

      Hope you are feeling good hon. Thinking about you lots! <3

      1. I clicked on your links & read up on what to look for–I was glad for the information. As for how I’m feeling–up and down, still waiting for that 2nd trimester “honeymoon” period! I’m 12w1d today 🙂

        1. Yay! You’re so close hon! It’s such a huge milestone. As for it being a honeymoon period, the jury is still out on that for me with this latest symptom, but it really is good be out of the first trimester 🙂

  4. I’m so sorry for the scare, that must have been miserable! But I’m glad it resulted in another check-up, reassurance, and getting to take a peek at your healthy little one 🙂 It sounds like things are going great in there!

    1. Thanks hon <3 Yes, the past few days have been pretty scary, but it really seems like everything is good this time around. I'm so relieved!

  5. I’m so happy your doctors are being so proactive, but even more happy that everything is looking so good for you and your little boy! How awesome that’s he’s so big already!! Sending you lots of hugs. I’m so relieved for you. XO

    1. Thanks hon <3 I'm so relieved too. I was pretty surprised that he's already almost a pound. As much as I hate that I have to have a c-section, I can't help thinking it might be a good thing if this little guy keeps growing like he is! My husband is 6'3" and I'm pretty tall too so it's not surprising that we'd have a big baby.

      Thinking about you and your little guy too hon.

  6. Wow that Doctor sounds awesome! Its really great that they are so thorough unlike some doctors who would have said its just heartburn.
    So glad that your baby boy looks great! 🙂 Will pray for you that you don’t have anymore scares. <3

    1. Thanks hon! I really do feel very fortunate for my excellent care. Of course with my history, I don’t think anyone would take any chances, but the doctors and nurses at this clinic just seem to always be like that. It’s such a relief!

  7. As hard as it must be for you I so appreciate your posts like this. Like you I have no idea what is considering “normal” pregnancy symptoms and what indicates somehting more serious. I actually just ended up with a severe bladder infection after writing off the pain as round ligament pain and not knowing if the extreme pain I was feeling was normal. Anyway just wanted to say thank you. Now I have one more thing I know to look out for.

    1. Yikes, that sounds scary too! Hope you are feeling better now! My history has shown me that you really can’t ever be too cautious. I’m glad my post has given you some extra awareness. I had no idea what HELLP was with my first pregnancy, or how serious it is. It’s very unlikely that you’ll get it, but it’s something all pregnant women should be aware of. Hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and healthy <3

  8. yikes! I’m so sorry for the scare girlie but I’m so thankful that everything is looking good 🙂 I’m praying that all fears be gone in Jesus name and that no matter what happens, the peace of God will surround you and protect you like a shield.

    I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. ~Psalm 34:4

    For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. ~Isaiah 43:13


    1. Thanks so much Elisha <3 I just got a call back from Dr. B that I'll post about later, but all my blood work all came back normal. It's such a relief

  9. Oh wow, what a scary time. I think it’s perfectly normal for you to worry, especially with everything that’s happened before, and I wouldn’t hesitate in contacting the drs – even if it’s just for peace of mind. I’m so pleased everything is going okay and you’re officially past the half way mark. I remember all sorts of aches and pains with Little Man and some aching in the higher abdomen as everything stretched and he made room. It could feel sore after eating too as we competed for room!!! From everything you’ve written about your baby boy he seems so strong, healthy and textbook for you. I read a quote on a pregnancy after loss FB page (and told My Perfect Breakdown because I love it) – “you can be scared and brave at the same time”. (((hugs)))

    1. I love that quite! So perfect and exactly how I feel right now! Thank you for your encouragement hon. I think you’re right and my body is just adjusting to making room for our little, big guy 🙂 hugs!

  10. Thank you for continuing to share your previous experience with HELLP. Even thought I have never heard of it before, it is so great to hear your success story after dealing with such tragedy. I like being more educated about all these things, no matter how scary they are. I am so glad all is fine now after some scary symptoms and that things are on track for a healthy baby. I hope it continues that way!

    1. Thank you hon. It really is a very scary condition of pregnancy that very little people know about. I really hope my story I’ll help save someone else from going through what is did. Early detection is key. Thank you so much for your support!

  11. So glad you got in and made sure things were okay! It always helps to have a great team of doctors and nurses to reassure you when there is nothing to be worried about.

  12. I’ve been on vacation and just read this. I am so sorry you had a scare and SO glad you went to the hospital. It is always better to be safe than sorry and I am so glad you have a great medical team behind you and listened to your body. Let’s hope this was the only scare and that there is smooth sailing from here on out!

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