15 Weeks 3 Days

First of all, thank you everyone for all your kind words and support over my last post. I was reallyΒ in a funk about the anniversary of Holdon’s death coming up on July 20th and feeling kind of down, but I’m doing so much better today. I’m sure this Sunday is still going to be pretty hard, but I’m feeling much better about the day now then I was last weekend.


Okay, now for a quick update on today’s doctor appointment. Feel free to sign off here if pregnancy updates are too hard to read right now.


***Pregnancy Update Below***


We had our regular followup appointment with Dr. S. today and it went really well! After a brief conversation about how we’re doing, she got down to business and did an ultrasound and all is good with baby πŸ™‚ I was so relieved! I had managed to work myself up into quite a ball of worry again, and felt the tension leave my body as soon as our little guy came up on the screen. He is so big and really active! Dr. S asked me if I was feeling any movement yet because he was really moving around and the placenta is positioned at the back so the front of my uterus is wide open to feel all those movements. I have been feeling something the past week or so, but wasn’t sure it was actual movement or just my ligaments stretching until today. After seeing all that action today, I’m thinking those little pops and pokes I’ve been feeling must be baby’s first movements πŸ™‚ So exciting! I cant wait to really feel them and know for sure!

Below are some pics from today’s appointment. The highlight of our ultrasound after finding out all is good with baby, is we were able to confirm the gender results of the MaterniT21/NIPT test because we got a really good view of baby’s privates πŸ™‚ See the lower right image below. We were able to get a shot of baby kneeling down and facing us with his legs spread out and there he was in all his male glory πŸ™‚ My hubby was still skeptical of the blood test so when we saw that, he broke out into a huge grin. It was seriously the funniest look I have ever seen on his face!

That’s about it for today. It’s been a long day so I think I’m going to sign off here and I’ll post a complete update on Saturday at my 16 week mark with the whole progress list and my 13, 14, 15, and 16 week belly pics.

Thank you all again for all your prayers and support <3



45 thoughts on “15 Weeks 3 Days

  1. I am SO glad everything is going well! How exciting to have the gender confirmed! I can’t wait to see your next update!

  2. wow! I love these photos and I’m grinning from ear to ear! This is amazing and I’m sooo excited for you! YIPEEE!!! xoxoxo


    1. Thanks Elisha πŸ™‚ I was thinking about you so much today and how you keep telling me to relax and not let my fear take over. You have no idea how much your faith keeps my faith going! Love ya girl <3

  3. So happy to read and see that the little guy is growing well!!! And glad to hear that you were able let go of some of your anxiety at least for a little while.
    I’ll be thinking of you this weekend as you remember your last moments with Holdon.

    1. Thanks so much hon <3 I'm definitely breathing a little easier tonight πŸ™‚

      And thanks! Your advice really helped. I'm trying to not let my mind go crazy with the bad thoughts and memories and just letting my good memories and love take over. It really is helping πŸ™‚ Hugs <3

  4. Gorgeous Mama, look how perfect he is! Boys bits and everything πŸ˜‰ I am so excited that everything is still going perfectly! And, honey, I will be thinking of you on the 20th. It breaks my heart and I’ll be sending as much support and love your way that I can.

  5. I admire your strength, Jo. Even with the toughest of situations, you find a way through. Thinking of you and love you always!

  6. Yay!! Great pics!! I’m happy to hear about your appointment today and that your little boy is happy and healthy in there! Keep your head up this week and we’ll all be thinking of you during your difficult anniversary.

    1. Thanks hon <3 I was just getting caught up on your blog too. Is your ultrasound today? Praying everything is good with your little one!

  7. AWWWW!!!!! He is so CUTE. Dagnabbit!! πŸ˜€

    I’m so sorry I slinked right past your other post about Holdon. πŸ™ I know this must be a tough and confusing time for you, and I can’t even imagine. You’re such a strong amazing woman, though, and I know you’ll get through this. πŸ™‚ And it looks like you have a wonderful, healthy baby boy in there right now!! I’m thinking of you every day!! Hang in there, hun. <3

  8. What a great post! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures. Yes, it’s pretty clear as day that it’s a boy πŸ˜‰ You will be in my thoughts on Sunday… wishing you strength and peace.

    1. Thanks hon πŸ™‚ You’re in my thoughts too. Especially for Monday. I know it’s going to a hard day day of mixed emotions, but praying it’s mostly happy as you get to see your new little one for the first time. Praying everything is perfect and this is your take home baby. Hugs <3

  9. Wow, you got a great potty shot! LOL! I’m so happy that everything is going so well with your pregnancy. I’m also glad that you are feeling better, but I know you’ve got a hard weekend ahead. I’ll be thinking of you, my friend and sending lots of hugs and prayers. Looking forward to your update and belly shots this weekend! <3

  10. Those are such great photos and I am cracking up at the “gender confirmation” photo. What a funny shot to get! So very happy for you! I’ll be thinking of you this weekend…

  11. I’m always anxious before an ultrasound and every time we use our fetal doppler at home. It’s such a relief to hear and see a healthy baby. I’m so glad your little man is looking so wonderful! I just started following you, but are in my thoughts! ❀️

    1. Thanks hon. I’m so happy you and Ashley found my blog and in turn, I found you two as well! Keeping you both and your precious little ones in my thoughts and prayers too! <3

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