I don’t have much time because we’re getting ready to go out for the day, but I wanted to write a quick post. I’m really bad at letting weeks go by in-between posts when I’m busy so though I’d just write a quick one this morning and then I’ll write more in a few days when I have more time. Work has been busy and we’ve had the pleasure of visitors for the past few weeks and more to come upcoming weeks! With so many of our family and friends scattered about the US and Canada, it’s always so wonderful to have them come down here for a visit. It helps that we have nice weather all year round 🙂 My sister in-law was here for a week and a half at the beginning of the month, and now my parents are here from Canada. It was amazing to get up early and watch Team Canada win the Gold medal this morning with my parents. Way to go Team Canada!
Liebster Award Nomination
I’m humbled to announce that I received a nomination from My Lady Bits for the Liebster Award the other day. I plan on writing a separate post about this in a few days when I have more time, but just wanted to take a quick moment now to say a big thank you. I’m incredibly touched and honored to receive this acknowledgement from my fellow blogger. My Lady Bits has had her fair share of ups and downs in this heart wrenching journey and is still going through it. Her strength and courage to share her story is such an inspiration.
Preeclampsia Foundation News
I’m terribly behind on my Preeclampsia Foundation News. Here are some recent announcements from their Facebook page that I’d like to share:
The Preeclampsia Registry: A database that saves lives
Promise Walk – It’s that time of year again: YOU are needed to “Make Strides and Deliver Hope.” Register today at www.promisewalk.org!
Preeclampsia Doubles Women’s Stroke Risk – Happy Heart Day! To celebrate February as Heart Health Month, we are spreading the word about the increased risk of stroke and heart disease for women with a history of preeclampsia. We want to make sure that your heart is healthy for your loved ones as long as possible!
To read more updates from the Preeclampsia Foundation visit their website at www.preeclampsia.org or visit their Facebook page.
© Preeclampsia Foundation 2013 | www.preeclampsia.org
Let’s Help Bring Diana Home
Last but definitely not least, I read a post from Amber Under Construction this week that moved me deeply and made my heart ache, titled Let’s Help Bring Diana Home. She posted about another blogger’s post from Life and Love in the Petri Dish. It’s the story of one friend Mo who is trying to help her friend Suzanne who has been trying to adopt Diana from Kyrgyzstan since 2008. Unfortunately Kyrgyzstan international adoptions were put on hold and Diana has been left without a family for many years. Suzanne has never given up on Diana and thankfully Kyrgyzstan has again re-opened their intercountry adoption program. However, Suzanne has already spend tens of thousands of dollars to bring Diana home and still needs more. She is trying to raise $10,000 to go back to Kyrgyzstan to finally be able to bring Diana home. Please read her story and consider making a donation. Even a few dollars will go along way to helping this family finally be together. Also, Mo from Life and Love in the Petri Dish will match all donations that are give from her blog readers, so if you donate, make sure to say, “Mo sent me”. I couldn’t stop crying when I read Mo’s story about her friend and was completely amazed by Suzanne’s story of not giving up on hope for this child, and what an incredible friend Mo is for trying to help Suzanne and Diana by matching all blog donations.
If you think you would like to donate, please see Mo’s story at Life and Love in the Petri Dish and follow the links there to make your donation. If we all give what we can, we really can help make this finally happen! If you cant make a financial contribution at this time, but still want to help, write about it on your blog or Facebook or your choice of social media. You can make a huge difference just by sharing this story with others.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Of course! I want to help in any way I can!