I have been terrible at updating this blog, but tonight I had to write a quick post in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. On this day, around the world, people are participating in the Wave of Light by lighting candles for their babies in heaven. Tonight I read Archer his usual bedtime story but instead of Guess How Much I Love You or one of our other favorites, I read to him Someone Came Before you. This is another book we read often. Holdon is always on my mind and I want Archer to know about him. After Archer went down, I lit 5 candles, one for Holdon, and one for each of my miscarriages. I know our angels are with us and feeling the warmth and love being shared around the world tonight. I’m also thinking about all the little angels around the world who were taken from their parents too soon and sending love and prayers to them and their families.? Image credit: Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, Inc. (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Share-Pregnancy-Infant-Loss-Support-Inc/112835372099879)[/caption]
Category: Uncategorized
Time Flies When You're Having Fun!
Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last update and Archer is already almost 5 weeks old! I feel like such a delinquent blogger! I actually sat down to write this post so many times, but Archer would need me and I never got around to finishing it. I want to start off by saying a big thank you to everyone for all your love and support. I am completely overwhelmed by all your comments and I just wanted to send you all so much love back! <3 I attempted to reply to all your comments but only half of my responses updated. Please know I wasn’t ignoring you! The WordPress app can be so finicky sometimes! I told myself I wouldn’t let my blog slide after our little miracle was born, but somehow that’s exactly what happened. I feel so bad especially with so much going on with all of you! Please know I am still reading all your posts and even though I haven’t been commenting as often as I usually do, I’m constantly thinking about all of you. I have no excuse for not writing. Everything is great with Archer and…Continue reading Time Flies When You're Having Fun!
Our Miracle Boy is Here!
I am so sorry for the delay posting this update. The past 2 days have gone by in a blur. I had hoped to write a detailed post, but it’s not easy from my phone. So I thought I would at least post an update with his name and some pics and then I’ll post the complete birth details when I get back home and settled. Our miracle boy is here! And we are in complete awe of him. Archer Holdon Regunathan was born at 7:31 am on December 16th weighing 6lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long. He’s a good size for 3 weeks early, but not the giant baby we thought he’d be, proving just how inaccurate the measurements can be on the ultrasound. I will post more details soon. Thank you everyone for all your love and support. If you want to keep up with us over the next few days or just see more photos, you can find me on Facebook under my name (Johanne Regunathan).
The Best Anniversary Present Ever
On Monday evening around 8pm I was walking into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and my water broke! I felt a gush of liquid. Thought, huh what was that? And then it happened again. I must have made a weird sound because my husband came running in to check on me. I just shook my head and said “I think my water broke or maybe I just peed my pants. I don’t know!” So here’s a little fact that I didn’t know until tonight and they really don’t explain in any of the books I’ve read, when your water breaks, the fluid will keep coming until you deliver. I did not know that. When I called the after-hours nurse at L&D, she informed me of this fact and told me to put a pad on to make sure. If fluid continued to come out in an hour timespan, it was my waters and to come in. I soaked through 3 pads in an hour so it seemed that yes, this was indeed my waters and we were starting labor 3 weeks early (2 weeks before our planned c-section). So I had a quick shower since I…Continue reading The Best Anniversary Present Ever
Sacred Project
Jasmine at http://walkwithjasmine.wordpress.com, posted this today and it really moved me. Jasmine is 1 of the 497 women in the video. Repeatedly you hear the word “sacred”, repeatedly you see the art of “sacred” bellies. It represents all of us, mothers who have lost babies. No more shame, no more guilt, no more silence. On the graves of our little ones, we rise up and say, “I am sacred because of you.” Please share this video and spread the word. I am a sacred space because of Holdon and my other 4 angels in Heaven. <3
DIY Body/Belly Butter
As promised, here is the link to the guest post I wrote for my friend Judith’s Green Mom Blog (www.juicygreenmom.ca) for my homemade body/belly butter 🙂 DIY Body Butter: guest post | juicy green mom
35 Weeks!
It’s so hard to believe but I am 35 weeks pregnant today! I NEVER thought I would get this far and each day we progress with this pregnancy and get closer to finally meeting little man is such a miracle to me. We had our weekly appointment with Dr. S yesterday and all is just perfect with our little guy and he’s measuring close to 7lbs at 6lbs 14 oz. He’s such a big boy already! I’m starting to wonder if he’ll fit into any of the newborn clothes we have or if he’ll skip it all and go straight for the next size up! I decided it was probably a good idea to get my hospital bag ready just in case he decides to come early since he’s measuring so far ahead, and I’m having a bit of a dilemma. I don’t want to bring too much with me to the hospital, but thinking I need to bring different sizes of clothes for baby just in case. And I still can’t believe these are the things I’m worrying about these days. Two months ago, I still worried, Pre-e and HELLP would rear it’s ugly head again and I would…Continue reading 35 Weeks!
34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human
We had another doctor appointment with Dr. S yesterday, and all was perfect, and baby is still measuring over 2 weeks ahead at over 6lbs!!! I texted a good friend of mine after the appointment, and she replied with… “no wonder you’re starting to get so uncomfortable, you’re growing a super human!” I couldn’t stop laughing at that, but in all seriousness – holy crap! I still have 5 weeks to go until c-section day, and little (big) man is measuring just a few ounces less than my new baby niece was at birth! Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond thrilled that baby boy is measuring so well! It’s amazing! And Dr. S said, because I don’t have gestational diabetes and I haven’t gained too much weight, she isn’t concerned and the ultrasound measurements should be pretty accurate. Basically, I’m all baby 🙂 She also said with my history, having a big baby is fantastic. She couldn’t be happier with this outcome and neither can we. He could be delivered today and not have to spend any time in the NICU! Having said that, don’t get any ideas little guy! We want you to stay put for these last…Continue reading 34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human
32 Weeks!
Once again, I have let a couple weeks go by between updates. I feel like a horrible blogger lately. It’s just been such a crazy time with getting over the worst cold I’ve had in a very, very long time, family still visiting, trying to keep up with client work and finally making some real headway in the nursery. First and foremost, thank you everyone for your words of support and encouragement through my little freak out. I feel so silly for getting so worried. Even this far in pregnancy, I still worry. I’m coming to realize that that feeling of impending doom never fully goes away. As for my cold, I’m happy to say I’m finally feeling much better! Thank you everyone for your well wishes! I can honestly say that was one of the worst colds I’ve had in a long, long time. It didn’t help that it was the first cold I’ve had in about a year and a half so I was a big baby about it 🙂 Fortunately, my mom and mother in-law were both here to take care of me which was amazing. I’m so thankful to have two amazing moms who have been…Continue reading 32 Weeks!
27 Weeks- Flirting with the Third Trimester
Today I’m 27 Weeks 1 Day and according to 3 of my pregnancy books, I am now officially in the third trimester, however other sources say 28 weeks so I guess I’m on the cusp? I’m so confused why the cutoff point for the trimesters isn’t more clear. So I’m just going to go with 27 weeks, but I’m holding off another week before making any real transitions. For example, I have several prenatal workout dvds that I do throughout the week and one of my favorite ones is the Mom’s into Fitness pre and post pregnancy workout dvd set by Lindsay Brin. It has separate workouts for each trimester and a postnatal boot camp dvd to get back into shape after baby is born. I first bought this dvd set in 2011 when we began trying for another baby after we lost Holdon. I think the newer version of this is split into 2 dvds, but my copy has 4. Anyway, the first dvd is designated for pre pregnancy and the first trimester. I did this workout for years hoping I would make it out of the first trimester again one day. Then finally, 3 months ago, I was…Continue reading 27 Weeks- Flirting with the Third Trimester