Shortly after my recent miscarriage, I was looking online for inspiring stories and came across the story of Hugh Jackman and his experience with miscarriage. I couldn’t believe it. The wolverine and I have something in common! Check out his story it’s really touching to see how he and his wife survived their difficulties with miscarriage and came out of it happy parents in the end.
Author: My Hope Jar
Creating a Community of Hope
It’s talked about in little circles. It’s discussed in hushed tones amongst family and friends. It’s brushed aside as a sad part of life that one should not dwell on and certainly should never be talked about with strangers. What am I talking about? Miscarriage. I am starting this blog because I recently experienced my fourth loss in three years and I no longer want to hide it and be ashamed of it. Why is it that people can post every detail of their pregnancies on facebook and other social media sites, right down to the sex of their baby months before the baby is even born, but talking about miscarriage, another part of pregnancy, is taboo? After my most recent miscarriage, I really hit an all time low. This was my third miscarriage in two years and I delivered a baby boy prematurely at twenty-eight weeks due to preeclampsia the year before. He died after three and a half months in the NICU. These were four incredibly painful events in my life. I was tired of it all. I was heartbroken. I was angry. I asked, how could this happen again. I wondered how it is possible that there…Continue reading Creating a Community of Hope